About Amanda

If you can read my side profile then you know a bit about me.  If you have read my blog you know some more. How would I describe myself?

What you see is what you get.

I LOVE my family, all of them, even the ones I don't talk to often.  I am annoyingly loyal to people, once you are my friend you will always be a friend. Unless you have done something so evil and awful that I don't feel comfortable around you.

I just want to talk about what I've experienced throughout my life, I try not to get too political. Let's just get down to brass tacts here.  I am a conservative, my parents have raised me to vote for the person/persons who I think will better my life and my children's lives.  I go on facts from my own research.  I have friends who have views that differ from mine BUT they respect my choice to have a differing opinion and I respect their choices.  I may not like it but that doesn't make them a bad person.

I am a Christian and I am proud to be a Christian. 

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