28 July 2014

A little FYI

I have a friend from Lampasas who started a blog about what I going on with her youngest son.  Jake has ITP, I don't know much about it so I shared a link from mayoclinic.org to educate everyone including myself.  I've added her link to my blog list. Please read her blog.

There is something else I would like to talk about, heat exhaustion and heatstroke.  This is NOTHING to joke about. A young man from Lampasas, aged 11, lost his life recently while out riding bikes with his father.  Casey Crawford was his name and there is a link to a gofundme.com memorial.  I didn't know the family but since I have this platform and the time, I believe that I need to start sharing more. Casey's funeral was today. Lift up his family.

I don't play around with any of these and living in Central Texas it gets rough. I can't even imagine what it is like for those in Arizona and similar climate areas.

According to a friend of mine I had pretty bad heat exhaustion about 15 years ago.  This follows you for the rest of your life.  I am always on my children especially my 5 year old about drinking water and coming in the shade.  

Don't try to tough it out.  I know there are people who have to work in environments 10x worse but I think they would say to hydrate and cool down when you get the chance.  I think they would and do when they can.  

If it gets hot out and you know people who are working out in the heat or someone who doesn't have air conditioning please find a way to help them. Box fans are cheap. Water for those workers.  Something.  The same thing with dogs and out door animals. Fresh water can do amazing things!

Have a wonderful evening. God Bless you all!

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