06 November 2014


That is a question I asked my wonderful cousin/sister (she's my actual cousin by blood, but sister by choice) Lisa this morning. 

The full question was how do you explain the purpose of a lockdown drill to a Kindergartener? Her answer was simple and I honestly knew what it was, let the teacher explain it. The teachers and administration have gone through extensive and continuing training on various situations.

Never in my wildest dreams would I expect to have my kid learn stuff like this, I want him to be a kid. I know he can handle it academically.  He's a smart cookie and his sister is fast approaching the same level. Just need to work on her social skills.

Here's my point. Schools are going to have to practice lockdown drills now. If your kid is in school talk to the administration to find out what the procedures will be. Also, get engaged as much as you can with the school and the district.  See if there are apps, emails,  automatic calling.  I am serious about this, if it is offered to you jump on it.  You will only have yourself to blame if you don't take the opportunity.

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