02 April 2016

Friday night April 1st, 2016

So as a few of you might know I am a licensed B1 Zumba instructor, I also have Aqua Zumba and Zumba Kids + Zumba Kids Jr licenses as well. I recently became a certified Aqua fit instructor and I am currently working on getting my group X certification. 

Well, last night was the first ever Zumba Kids Party at the YMCA that I work at, want to talk about nervous. Yes, I get nervous every time I teach anything. I will probably be ready to throw up when I have to teach a water aerobics class. I don't have that great of self esteem. I blush or clam up when I get compliments. I have been talked down to so much in my past made to feel like I am inferior or not good enough in anything I have done. My husband for the past 15 years has been trying to get that out of me. I used to be really bold and confident.

But that is only part of the point, those kids were wonderful. Even my oldest was in the class and I was pretty aprehensive with him participating, wasn't sure if he was going to be a boogerhead or if he was actually going to listen. He listened for the most part, he hit the wall of tired a few times. I don't want my son or any of those kids to feel the way I felt when I was their age and feel now at 39.

I have my own business (my link to my store is floating somewhere in my bio). I use my business and Zumba together. People see me outside of the facility I work at and we talk about everything we talk about my business and the products that I use and absolutely LOVE!!! The team that I am a part of helps and the CDs and books that I listen to and read help me tremendously. My confidence is creeping back, I wish it was a bit faster. I use what I have learned from my business and my team to better serve the awesome people that come to my classes. This is important for all of you to know, I do not talk about my business to people that come to the facility, even if they approach me.  If I am asked about it, I ask if there is another time to do it.

I want to pass on the positivity to the kids and other women like me. I want those who are depressed, overweight, or just not happy to find an outlet that makes them happy.

Last night was an awakening of sorts for me, it showed me that I still have patience with children and I still get a kick out of having fun and that all my planning and unnecessary stress worked out and could've been less in the stress department. But it wasn't worse either.

My circle of friends is small, I have even had to remove a few from the inner circle recently. It about killed me, I don't make friends that easy because I am the weird one. My small group of friends accept my weirdness and for that I am thankful. I'm starting to become happier and losing some more weight, FINALLY!

I just needed to get this off my chest. Thanks for reading.

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